About Women Auto Know

http://www.womenautoknow.com https://womenautoknow.wordpress.com Certified auto technician, 4th generation and first female to own and operate Great Bear, Auto Repair shop and auto body shop and founder of What women Auto know.(WAK) Women Auto Know provides automotive education and resources empowering women of all ages to become safe confident and knowledgable comsumers passengers and drivers in and out of the auto repair shop

10 Things to Take on a Road Trip

things to take on a road trip

Road trips rule! They’re a little stressful, too – especially if you forget something important. If you want to save some trouble, check out these ten things to take on a road trip.

1. Cash

Debit and credit cards have built in security measures. If one of your purchases looks fishy, your bank might disable your card.

Embarrassing? Yup! But don’t get mad. Your bank is trying to protect you from fraud. Notify them before you go overseas or out-of-state. Take some cash just in case your cards stop working for some reason.

2. Camera

Snap some photos to share with your friends and family. Make a collage or photo album. The next time you feel down, you can look back at all the fun you had for a pick-me-up. Positive memories are the best. 🙂

3. Spare car key

Traveling with a friend? Give them a spare copy of your car key. Most people make time-sensitive plans when they travel. Having to wait for a locksmith could mess up your schedule.

4. Map and directions

Online directions can’t always be trusted. Street names and traffic patterns change. Be ready for the possibility that Google might not be up-to-date. Take an old-fashioned map (the kind you hold in your hands!) just in case you need it.

5. Reservation confirmations

Print out a confirmation for everything you booked: flights, hotel stays, tickets for concerts or sporting events, etc. Check, double-check, and triple-check to make sure you have it all. Put those confirmations inside an envelope. For extra organization, arrange them in the exact order you will use them. I may or may not be OCD. 😉

6. First aid/road emergency kit

Accidents happen. Be prepared. Don’t worry about buying items separately. AAA offers a roadside emergency kit that has everything you need. Hopefully you’ll never have to use it, but it’s good to be cautious. Knowing it’s there will give you peace of mind.

7. Seasonally appropriate clothes

Check the weather forecast before you pack. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself wishing I had a sweater. Bring a few outfits that can be layered just in case it is hotter or colder than you expected.

8. Healthy snacks and bottled water

Pack snacks that contain protein and fiber. Those nutrients provide you with steady energy (versus the “crash and burn” that follows sugary stuff).

9. Most recent insurance information

Make sure your auto insurance card is up-to-date (you should be getting a new copy every six months). For bonus points, put your registration and insurance card in an envelope at the top of your glove-box. The next time you get pulled over, you won’t be as nervous. 😉

10. Books, games, cards, toys, and other fun stuff

Traveling with kids? Bring toys. Otherwise, expect hours of, “Are we there yet?” Traveling with a baby? Bring an extra pacifier or two. Those disappear at the worst times! Traveling with friends? Bring a deck of cards. Take turns playing poker or blackjack in the back seat.

Talk to me.

What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments. If you found this post helpful, please share with your friends.

9 Ways to Make Long Drives More Comfortable

Image credit: Route 66 by Chuck Coker via Flickr

Image credit: Route 66 by Chuck Coker via Flickr

Traveling is tons of fun. Long drives? Not so much. Hopefully someone will figure out teleportation soon! Until then, here are nine ways to make long drives more comfortable (#7 sounds so obvious but no one does it!).

1. Use cruise control.

Cruise control saves money on gas. The more consistent your speed, the better your fuel economy. Just make sure to follow the speed limit so you don’t get a ticket!

2. Pack healthy snacks.

Sugar and fast food will make your stomach hurt. Protein and fiber will give you a steady flow of energy. Nuts, berries, bananas, apples, carrots, and yogurt are smart choices.

3. Drink plenty of water.

Dehydration can result in fatigue and a poor mood. Bring a travel bottle and fill it up every time you stop at a rest area. You will feel a lot better for it!

4. Stop every hour or two.

A lot of people brag about how quickly they can reach their destination (usually comes from men — maybe it’s a “tough guy” thing?). I’d rather take my time and enjoy the drive. There is nothing “fun” about pushing your bladder past its breaking point.

5. Get a good night’s sleep.

If you drive sleepy, then you might as well be drunk. I’m not being dramatic. Science says it’s true. It can be hard to fall asleep when you’re excited for a trip, but do your best. Turn off your phone, stay away from the computer, and unwind with a bubble bath or good book.

6. Don’t count on the radio.

It’s fun to check out radio stations in different states… but it gets old when you start hearing the same songs over and over again. Bring some CD’s or audiobooks to keep things interesting. If you’re traveling with friends or family, make a playlist together.

7. Check your seat position.

Play with the seat settings until you figure out what’s most comfortable. You should be able to see the road and rear-view mirrors without straining your neck. Your spine should be relatively straight. If you have achy joints, check out these tips.

8. Stretch anything that’s stiff.

If you’re traveling cross country, you’re going to get stiff at some point. That’s okay. You can work it out! Stop every hour or two. Take a walk. Do some push-ups. Play tag with your kids. You could pack a yoga mat and do a few poses on the grass. Have fun with it!

9. Wear your most comfy outfit.

Why should you dress to impress when you’re going to be in your car for most of the day? Wear pajamas or gym shorts or whatever makes you feel comfortable. You can change your clothes when you get to the hotel.

Talk to me.

How do you make long drives more comfortable? Tell us in the comments. Please share this post on Facebook so your friends can have better road trips, too. 🙂

6 Surprising Benefits of Traveling You Need to Know (#4 Is Great for Couples!)

benefits of traveling

Spending too much time in one place drives me crazy. There’s a big world out there to explore! Vacations are good for the soul. Don’t believe it? Check out these six surprising benefits of traveling (#4 can make a HUGE difference in your relationship!).

1. Take it easy.

It’s good to work hard, but everyone needs to chill sometimes.

Don’t feel bad. You deserve a break. Without a little rest and relaxation, you might get so exhausted that you start to hate your job. Know your limits. Take a vacation at least once or twice a year. Your productivity will be better for it (promise!). 

2. Meet new people.

Traveling is great for shy people. At home, it’s easy to stay to yourself. On the road, you’ll be forced to interact with strangers. Scared? Don’t be. You don’t have to impress anybody. Listening is better than speaking. Everyone has a story to tell. Appreciate little things like local accents and slang-words you’ve never heard.

3. See history in action.

Reading about the Civil War is one thing. Setting foot on a preserved battlefield is a whole other story. History might seem boring in a textbook. It’s a lot more interesting when you can see it in action. America has more historic landmarks than I can count. I’m a New Yorker, so the Statue of Liberty and St. Patrick’s Cathedral come to mind. Traveling soon? Here’s a list of historic landmarks by state.

4. Bond with loved ones.

Here’s a harsh truth for people in relationships. If you always do the same stuff with your partner, you will get bored with each other. You have a favorite food, but that doesn’t meant you want to eat it everyday (okay, chocolate is an exception, but you get the idea). In excess, anything can lose its appeal. Don’t be afraid of change. New challenges and experiences are a great way to bond with loved ones.

5. Discover who you are.

Maybe you don’t have a partner. That’s okay. Traveling alone is tons of fun. The best part? You can do whatever you want, because no one is there to argue! Solo trips can become spiritual when nature is involved. Check out some national parks and write a journal entry every day. I bet you will learn a lot about yourself.

6. Break out of your bubble.

Does every day feel the same? If so, you need to escape from your daily routine. Traveling doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. Take a simple day-trip to a neighboring city. You’ll feel refreshed afterward.

talk to me

I’ve done enough talking. Your turn! Did these benefits of traveling give you a case of wanderlust? Tell me about your favorite trip ever in the comments. Click here to encourage your Facebook friends to hit the road. I bet they would benefit from a vacation, too. 🙂

6 Summer Driving Tips That Will Keep You Safe

summer driving tips

Statistics show summer is the most dangerous time to drive in the U.S.

Isn’t that weird? Most people worry about ice and snow in winter. They don’t even think about summer!

For safe travels, follow these six summer driving tips (every parent needs to see #4!).

1. Inspect your tires.

Heat causes your tires to deflate. Check their inflation to be safe. Also look for visible signs of damage. This is a must-do before any road trip. If you have any doubts about the condition of your tires, get a second opinion from a mechanic.

2. Look both ways.

School’s out for summer! That means more teens will be on the road.

Teen drivers cause more traffic accidents than any other age group. Don’t assume these teens will follow the rules of the road.

Look both ways before you drive through a traffic light (yes, even if it’s green). Put down the phone and keep your eyes on the road so you can react quickly and decisively. If there’s a new teen driver in your family, you might enjoy these posts:

3. Check your coolant.

Hot temperatures can cause your engine to overheat. If that happens, pull over immediately. Pop open your hood and make sure your coolant tank is filled up. No? Either go to a mechanic or top it off yourself. If your engine overheats again, that could mean you have a leak.

4. Be mindful of your child.

Every parent is familiar with the nightmare of forgetting about the baby in the backseat. This isn’t very common, but it does happen. Roughly 37 babies and toddlers die in hot cars every year. It’s easy to get distracted when you’re busy. Here’s a tip. Every time you travel with a child, put a toy or stuffed animal in the passenger seat. That should jog your memory!

5. Take lots of mini-breaks on long trips.

There is nothing “tough” about driving across the country without stopping. Pull over every two or three hours to prevent fatigue. Take a walk and stretch out anything that’s stiff. One more tip: take a water bottle so you can stay hydrated. Fill it up every time you stop at a rest area.

6. Give bikes and motorcycles plenty of space.

Warm weather means more cyclists will be on the road. Be considerate of these folks. They aren’t surrounded by a protective interior like you. If they got in a wreck, it could end very badly. Increase your following distance to four seconds or more.

Talk to me.

Do you have any summer driving tips that you would add to this list? If so, let me know! Click here to share these tips with your friends so they can have a safe summer like you.

What to Do If Your Car Breaks Down

car breaks down

Image credit: Car breakdown by Andrij Bulba via Flickr

Here’s a question that shows up in my mailbox a lot: “What should I do if my car breaks down?”

If you drive enough, car breakdowns are bound to happen whether you like it or not — so it’s best to be prepared.

Scared? Don’t be. Here are five smart things to do during a car breakdown (#3 is so simple yet effective!).

1. Get off the road.

Please don’t play chicken!

The sooner you get off the road, the sooner you’ll be out of harm’s way:

If you’re in a neighborhood, try to find a church.

If you’re in a downtown area, pull over in a business parking lot and find someone to give you a jump.

If you’re on a highway or interstate, pull over on the shoulder. Keep moving until you get to a straight section of the road. Don’t stop on a curve where no one can see you!

If your engine comes to a sudden stop, it might be impossible to stop in an ideal spot. In that case, stay inside your vehicle. It’s dangerous to cross the street when there’s cars swirling past in every direction.

2. Call for help.

Got AAA coverage? If so, put that membership to use.

Blocking traffic? If so, call 911 and notify the highway patrol.

Flat tire? You could change it, but it might be better to call a towing service — especially if you’re stopped on the interstate.

3. Take a deep breath.

This is not the time to panic. Close your eyes and take a few calming breaths. Seriously. Conscious breathing is scientifically proven to reduce stress. You’ll feel confident and in control after you calm down.

4. Let people know you’re stuck.

Pop your hood, turn on your emergency lights, and hang a towel or plastic bag out of your window. If it’s dark light some flares so other drivers can see you. No flares? Buy a pair. Do everything you can to get the attention of a police officer or someone who might be able to help you.

5. Expect the best (prepare for the worst).

Invest in a first aid and roadside emergency kit just in case your car ever breaks down. Trust me. They’re really nice to have during a car breakdown! Has your car ever got stuck on the side of the road? How did you deal with it? Tell us in the comments. Please share this blog with your friends so they will be ready for car breakdowns like you.

7 Simple Ways to Save Money on Gas

save money on gas

Image by Chris Potter via http://www.stockmonkeys.com

Cars are awesome. Without them, you couldn’t go anywhere.They sure are expensive, though.

Let me take some of the edge off. Here are seven ways to save money on gas.

1. Carpool.

If you work for a pretty big company, you probably know a co-worker who lives in your neighborhood.

Ask around! There’s no reason to drive separately. Take turns so you can split the cost. You’ll save money and reduce emissions, which will protect the planet you call home. Talk about a win/win!

2 .Check your air filter.

Some mechanics like to sell air filters to people who don’t need them. That doesn’t mean air filters are a scam. A clean air filter improves air flow in your vehicle. If it gets clogged, this can have a detrimental impact on your gas mileage. So, how often should you change your air filter? It depends. Check out the OMV (owner’s manual for your vehicle) to find out.

3. Take care of your tires.

Only 15% of drivers know how to check their tire pressure. The other 85% are wasting a lot of money. According to the US Department of Energy, properly inflated tires can improve your fuel economy by 3%. That would save roughly seven cents per gallon.

4. Stop being in such a rush.

Now that you checked your air filter, take a deep breath and slow down! Most people don’t follow #5-7 because they are in such a hurry, so I thought I should mention this first. Driving is less stressful when you give yourself an extra 10-20 minutes to reach your destination. Worried about being too early? Don’t be. Toss a book in your purse. That will occupy you!

5. Be gentle with the gas pedal.

What’s the point of slamming the gas when a traffic light turns green? The people you wait with at one red light will probably catch up with you at the next one! Be gentle. Flooring that pedal burns up a lot of gas. A gentle touch will save tons of bucks.

6. Don’t tap your brakes too much.

Avoid sudden, jerky movements. They are bad for your fuel economy. It is better to drive at a steady pace. If you need to slow down, don’t slam the brakes. Just take your foot off the gas pedal. This is only possible if you leave a safe distance between you and your bumper buddy ahead of you. 🙂

7. Use cruise control when possible.

It’s hard to maintain a constant speed on a long trip. That’s why cruise control exists. Alternating from 65 to 75 MPH burns more gas than maintaining a steady 70 MPH. Use the tools that are available!

Talk to me

Are there any saving tips you would add to this list? If so, tell us in the comments. Click here to share this blog with your friends so they can save money on gas, too.

Mechanically Yours,


4 Teen Driving Mistakes You Need to Know

teen driving mistakesTraffic accidents are the #1 cause of death for teens in the United States.

Smart parents can teach their teens how to stay safe on the road.

Here are the top four teen driving mistakes you need to know.

1. They drive too fast.

Remember when you were young? I bet you hated rules. I know I did.

Sometimes I did the exact opposite of what my parents asked just to spite them. That’s how youth works!

Expect your teen to break the speed limit. It’s hard to prevent this, because most teens are naturally rebellious. Here’s a tip that might help. Explain why the speed limit is necessary in words they will understand.

Use this script:

“I know it’s fun to drive fast. To be honest, I broke the speed limit when I was your age. That wasn’t smart, though. The speed limit is there to protect you. Sometimes drivers slam their brakes for no good reason. If you drive too fast, you won’t have enough time to react. I’m not trying to steal your fun. I just want you to be safe because I love you.”

2. They get distracted.

Distracted driving kills more teens than drunk driving. It’s amazing that a cellphone can be more dangerous than alcohol. Don’t let your child become a part of that statistic. First, you have to walk the walk. If you use your phone while driving, then your children won’t take your warnings seriously.

Second, be mindful of youth culture. Most teens expect texts to be answered immediately. If you just tell your teen not to text, they will probably ignore you. Instead, ask them to give their friends a heads-up. They could send a quick text that says: “Getting in the car. Might be slow to respond. I’ll text when I get home.” If there are several active chats, they could copy/paste that text and send it to everybody.

3. They take dumb risks.

Teenagers feel invincible. They naturally take more risks than adults. The human brain doesn’t fully mature until the early 20’s. That’s why young people are so impulsive. This can lead to bad driving decisions such as:

  • DUI
  • Running traffic lights
  • Not wearing a seat belt
  • Not checking the blind spot

Don’t just tell them, “Don’t do that!” They will rebel. Make sure they understand why all of these decisions could end badly. You can use the script I shared in point #1 for inspiration.

4. They try to impress friends.

Peer pressure is a very real problem. Your teen might be a cautious driver alone. Add a friend to the mix and that could change in a hurry. This is especially true for boys, who are two times more likely to die in car accidents than girls. Girls aren’t innocent either. They also drive more recklessly with a male in the passenger seat. Here’s an interesting article about how gender affects the behavior of teen drivers.

Talk to me

Please spread the word to your parent friends so their teens can be safe, too. Click here to share this blog on Facebook. Thank you!

Mechanically Yours,


Read More Blogs about Teen Driving:

Teaching a Teen to Drive: 8 Tips for Busy Parents

teaching your teen to drive

Image by State Farm via Flickr (the original was altered)

Kids grow up so fast. One day, you’re changing their diaper.

And before you know it, you’re handing them a set of car keys. Where did the time go?!

It’s scary to think about your teen driving for the first time. So many things could go wrong.

If you’re teaching a teen to drive, you need to know these eight tips.

1. Stay calm.

Teens are perceptive. If you feel anxious, they will notice. Try not to stress too much, because that will only make them more nervous. Take a few deep breathes to calm down when you feel stressed.

2. Be a good example.

Teens learn by example, so you better be a good one. If you run red lights, they will disobey traffic laws. If you drive too fast, they will break the speed limit. If you don’t focus on the road, they will text and drive.

3. Make a lesson plan.

Teens have short attention spans. That’s why I recommend starting with quick and simple sessions. You could start with something as basic as parking the car in an empty lot. You can move on to more complex stuff as you go.

4. Deconstruct driving.

Imagine you’re pulling out of a driveway. This task feels effortless now. It’s actually really complicated. You have to disengage the parking break, put the car in reverse, look out for pedestrians, gently push the gas pedal, and turn the steering wheel. Explain this process step-by-step.

5. Help them stay focused.

Teens are super distracted. They are used to checking their cellphones constantly. Don’t let them do that when they drive. Watch their eyes. Are they on the road? If not, remind them to stay alert. Your teen needs to learn how to anticipate accidents. That can’t happen when their mind is elsewhere.

6. Use positive reinforcement.

Teens can be a bit touchy. If you criticize them, they will get defensive and shut down. At that point, they won’t hear anything you have to say. Don’t make them feel bad for what they did wrong. It’s better to focus on what they did right. If you compliment safe driving techniques, they will turn into habits that stick.

7. Point out potential hazards.

Teens feel invincible. In their mind, nothing can go wrong. That’s not the case on the road. Accidents happen. Make sure they’re aware of common hazards. In downtown areas, ask them to scan the road for pedestrians. On the interstate, ask them to watch a vehicle’s brake-lights so they’ll be ready for sudden stops.

8. Get outside of your comfort zone.

Most parents make a dangerous mistake. They only ask their teen to drive in daylight. They only travel on familiar roads. That’s a good way to start, but you need to be more thorough. Let your teen drive in rain, snow, darkness, and big city traffic.Your teen needs to be prepared for every driving challenge they might encounter.

Talk to me.

Are you teaching a teen to drive? If so, how is it going? Are there any tips that you would add to this list? Tell us in the comments. Click here to share this blog on Facebook so your friends can raise a safe teen driver like you.

Mechanically Yours,


read More Blogs about teen driving

Ask Audra: Should You Buy a Car for Your Teenager?

buy car for teenagerShould you buy a car for your teenager? Tough question. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it depends.

First and foremost to any driver is that you know how to open the hood!

You’ve got three options. Let’s take a look at each one.

Option A: Buy a car for your child and cover all of the cost.

If reliability is your primary concern, option A might be your best bet. This puts you in control. Teenagers put style before safety. If left to their own devices, they will probably buy the “cool” car. If it’s your money on the line, you have the power to make the unpopular (but smart) decision.

The downside? It’s easy to mistreat something you didn’t pay for. Teenagers aren’t known for being grateful. They might even be mad, because they didn’t get the car they wanted. That’s 100% illogical (they got a free car!), but it’s often the case. Also, this doesn’t teach your child how to manage money. Reality will catch up with them sooner or later.

Option B: Share the family car with your child and split the cost.

If cost is your primary concern, option B might be your best bet. This is a gentle transition into owning a vehicle. Make sure your teen understands what costs they are responsible for. Ask them to pay for gas and oil changes at minimum. You can cover tire changes and other auto expenses until they save a decent amount of money.

The downside? The full cost of vehicle ownership can still come as a shock. Every time you get a repair, take your teen to the mechanic so they can see exactly how much you’re paying to maintain the vehicle. Even better, teach them about the importance of having a “car jar” to  fund emergency and maintenance services. If you don’t teach them now, they will come begging for money later.

Option C: Let your child buy their own car and cover none of the cost.

If personal growth is your primary concern, option C might be your best bet. This is a brutal introduction to the real world. That said, your teenager might end up better off for it. They will get used to the responsibility that comes with owning a vehicle at a young age. And you better believe they will take very good care of that car!

The downside? Like I said, this is brutal. Most teenagers don’t have enough money to buy a good car. They would probably have to work a summer job. That could steal time and attention from studying. And they might get suckered into buying a car that isn’t safe or reliable if they are not taught how to care for their investment. If you choose to go this route, don’t let them go shopping without you.

Talk to me.

Do you plan to buy a car for your teenager? If so, are you going to cover the repair and maintenance costs? Why or why not? Tell us in the comments. Click here to share this blog on Facebook to invite your friends to the conversation.

Mechanically Yours,


read More blogs about teen driving

You Don’t Need a “Tune Up” (Here’s Why)

tune upHave you ever asked for a tune up? Most people have.

That’s an easy thing to ask for when you want your engine to run better.

But cars have changed so much that tune ups are a thing of the past.

Today I’d like to share some fun facts about how your car works. Read this and you’ll never ask for a tune up again.

How Tune Ups Came to Be

Cars weren’t always as high-tech as they are today. Old cars included parts like carburetors, distributors with points & condensers, and mechanical fuel pumps. Do any of those terms ring a bell? If not, don’t feel bad. My kids don’t know either. These parts aren’t even included on modern vehicles!

Vintage cars required more frequent and thorough inspections. Why? They didn’t come with a fancy computer that monitors their performance. These cars were equipped with mechanical parts that literally made the car spark. Those parts needed to be replaced or adjusted every 6,000-12,000 miles.

Old car engines were very simple. Each spark plug attached to one ignition wire. For best performance, these wires needed to spark the same intensity. Ignition wires make a buzzing sound when they work. A mechanic could tell the adjustment was complete when they all buzzed in tune. That’s where the term “tune up” came from.

Why Tune Ups Are No Longer a Thing

Modern cars are completely electronic. They don’t even have mechanical parts that can be tuned up. Some auto shops continue to use the phrase “tune up,” because it is familiar to customers. Most people aren’t aware of how much cars have changed.

It’s marketing that needs a tune up. Your car is run by sensors and relays. A computer in your engine controls ignition. Dashboard lights alert you to a need for more specific maintenance. A check engine light identifies potential onset of fuel and emission problems.

Don’t ask for a tune up. That might not solve your problem. There isn’t a set standard for what that service includes. It’s different at every shop. If you have a specific problem, describe its symptoms. Your mechanic will offer a solution based on that information.

Preventive maintenance is the tune up of the 21st century. Find this post helpful? Share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Click here to check out the brand new Women Auto Know.

Mechanically Yours,
